Danusha Laméris
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Low-residency MFA at Pacifica University
Appearances & Readings
“How lightly we learn to hold hope, as if it were an animal that could turn around and bite your hand. And still we carry it the way a mother would carefully, from one day to the next.”
“Remember? How the dirt glinted and shimmered, how the blind earth once writhed, alive in your hands.”
“How faithful the tide that has carried us–that carries us now–out to sea and back.”
“I want to leave something here in the rough dirt. A twig, a small stone––perhaps this poem––a reminder to begin, again, by listening carefully with the body’s rapt attention––remember? To this, to this.”
Blade by Blade
Forthcoming September 2024
Danusha Laméris’s third book, Blade by Blade, is a book of hungers: Hunger for the bright glare of poppies, for the hidden name of the beloved, for the cracked continental edge, for all we keep in “the heart’s farthest chambers.” Seeking a way back to joy following the deaths of her son and brother, the poet finds wonder in the furred legs of a caterpillar, in egrets, elephants, and elk, solace in the seagull’s speckled egg. Here we taste a longing to kiss in the dark corner of the gym, to leap into a volcano’s molten fire, to be unraveled, undone thread by thread, made one with all things. Microscopic and tidal, earthquake and fire-prone, Blade by Blade thrives in the underbrush of human emotion. These poems are luminous missives tossed on the wind asking us to re-enter the world we’ve forsaken, to set foot, as if for the first time, on the green earth and begin again.